The ethics of publishing is a basic document that commits itself to ethical principles. The publishing ethics of Notitiae historiae ecclesiasticae respect the Code of Ethics of the Catholic University of Ružomberok and are also based on the Code of Ethics of the Committee on Publishing Ethics (COPE), available at The principles of publishing ethics are binding for all entities involved in publishing in this journal. The main goal of publishing ethics is to ensure the maximum quality, objectivity and transparency of the journal and to ensure that the published texts comply with applicable legislation.
Duties of Authors
- The author is obliged to participate in the review process and respond to the comments of reviewers and correct any deficiencies. If disputes arise, he/she should contact the editors of the journal.
- It is unethical for an author to provide an identical or nearly identical text for publication to other journals.
- The author must follow the instructions for authors and follow the specified citation standard.
- By submitting contributions to the review, the author automatically declares that all data in the contribution are true and original. If the author has used the work or formulations of other authors, he/she must cite them properly.
- If the author finds a significant error or inaccuracy in his/her work, he/she is obliged to contact the editors.
- The author is obliged to state his/her professional affiliation (workplace, address, e-mail contact).
- The author is obliged to avoid offensive statements that could damage other people or the reputation of the magazine.
Responsibilities of Reviewers
- If the reviewer does not feel qualified to review the manuscript, or has other serious reasons, he/she will notify the editors and will not enter the review process.
- The reviewer must maintain objectivity in the evaluation of the work.
- The reviewer has a duty to articulate his/her views clearly.
- Each manuscript is considered a confidential document and may not be provided to anyone and discussed with anyone without the consent of the author.
- The reviewer may not misuse the information provided in the peer-reviewed paper for personal or other purposes.
- The reviewer may refuse to conduct a review due to a conflict of professional interests.
- The reviewer should draw the author's attention to the lack of significant published titles on the given topic.
- The reviewer should draw the attention of the editors to any significant similarity or overlap of the manuscript with another published work of which he/she is aware.
Duties of the Editors
- The editors must ensure that all papers are reviewed anonymously by external reviewers.
- The editors are responsible for the content of the journal and the quality of published articles.
- The editorial office maintains an objective approach to all submitted contributions and maintains the main criteria for the selection of contributions, which are:
- professional level and importance of the contribution
- compliance of the topic with the professional focus of the magazine.
- The editors will make every effort to maintain the impartiality of the review process so as not to reveal the identity of the author of the manuscript to the reviewer and vice versa.
- In cooperation with the Editorial Board, the editor resolves possible appeals of authors against comments from the review process and other complaints.
- The editors decide on the rejection or acceptance of the contribution for publication.
Duties of the Editorial Board
- The Editorial Board strives to continuously improve the professional and formal aspects of the journal, support freedom of speech, and in accordance with generally respected ethics is ready to publish any current corrections, appeals and apologies after prior discussion.
- The Editorial Board has the power to comment throughout the entire review process.
- The Editorial Board will protect the confidential nature of personal data, the content of reviews and the confidential nature of the editorial staff's correspondence with authors and reviewers.
- Guarantees compliance with the above rules.
Peer-review process
Each submitted paper is first examined by the editorial board. Those that do not adhere to the required formatting, fall outside the journal's scope, or breach ethical standards for publishing are promptly returned to the author for revision or declined. Authors are notified immediately if their submission is rejected. Manuscripts that meet the necessary standards are forwarded to a double-blind peer-review process.
The editorial board assigns at least two reviewers to anonymously evaluate each manuscript. The process ensures mutual anonymity, protecting the identities of both authors and reviewers. If substantial issues are raised concerning the manuscript’s content or structure, authors are expected to address these before proceeding further.
No fees are charged by the editorial board for the submission or review of manuscripts.
Copyright, access and archiving
Notitiæ historiæ ecclesiasticæ is an open access journal. All issues are available free of charge in the archive at this website. A printed edition can be ordered from the magazine's editor. To the author of the article published in the magazine are sent by the editorial office two author's prints free of charge. In the case that the magazine is no longer published by the publisher, the publisher undertakes to keep a complete archive of each issue on its official website.