For authors

Journal's focus
The journal is focused on systematic theology, biblical theology, patristics, liturgy and the relationship of theology with philosophy, social science, literature, and sacred art.

Instructions for authors
The journal is published twice a year (may and september). It is not monothematic and accepts original contributions from all mentioned fields of theology and also reviews of books ( Deadline for submitting of contributions is the last day of february or september. The contributions are published in Slovak, Czech, English, German, Italian and French. Only contributions in Slovak are edited. All contributions are anonymously peer-reviewed and editorial board decides about its publication.
The contributions must contain the descriptive title of the article, the abstract (10 - 15 lines) and the keywords (4 - 5 words) in English. At the end of the contribution author gives his brief curriculum vitae and contact information. No fees are paid to the author for published contribution.
The content of the contribution is max. 20 standard pages (the text entry should not exceed 36,000 characters, 1,800 characters on one side, with spaces and footnotes). When quoting, it is necessary to respect the principles contained in STN ISO 690.